Friday, January 15, 2010

Welcome to the House of Flamp!

SolarCurve is a term that I first learned in Photoshop which is used to help find blemishes and faults in your pitcures by using extreme variances to detect them. It's pretty nerdy and I know it has other meanings. I was an image re-toucher for a few years in the mid to late nineties so when I was trying to find a gaming name for playing Quake online I used it and it stuck with me. So it's been SolarCurve with everything since.

What in the world is Flamp or Flampy? There are various definitions but I've always used it in a way to mean when something is funny, off, weak, silly, not quite right etc.

In short what the House of Flamp promises to bring you is my thoughts which are not expert nor are they expected to be awesome, credible, or even noteworthy. Ultimately the judging of the content is up to you but at the end of the day you are here reading it and can choose to return or not.
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